Flat Croissants With Olive Oil Caramel Topping

This is the perfect way to serve up extra leftover croissants that are starting to get a little too hard.

Prep: 5 minutes
Cook: 10 minutes



  • Using a rolling pin, try your best to flatten the croissants, set aside
  • Melt your butter into a skillet, add your hot honey
  • Once melted, add in your croissants, followed by a sheet of parchment paper and an additional skillet on top or something that carries weight to flatten the croissant
  • Cook on each side for about 2 to 3 minutes or until golden brown
  • While your croissants are cooking, get started on your caramel topping
  • Add your olive oil, sea salt and cold maple syrup to a bowl; combine
  • Remove croissants from the skillet and set them on top of a wire rack to cool down a bit
  • Plate them up with toppings of your choice; I used the olive oil caramel, blueberries and powdered sugar
  • Apprécier!
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